Founded in 1985, Friends of the United Nations is an independent, non-partisan organization dedicated to increasing awareness of the United Nations' activities. We work with educational institutions, corporations, the media, the international governments and other organizations to inform and educate people about the U.N.'s efforts on behalf of peace, human rights, the environment, children and responsible economic development.

Friends of the United Nations acts as a consultant to the United Nations Department of Public Information. Through our expansive network of resources, we help the U.N. distribute its messages, by:

  • Holding briefings about U.N. activities for opinion-makers helping U.N. agencies develop outreach programs.
  • Informing and educating the general public about U.N. programs and initiatives.
  • Connecting individuals, nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) on U.N. issues.

Our mission is to encourage individuals to learn about the U.N.'s efforts and be inspired to help the U.N.'s goals.

The United Nations (U.N.) is a vitally important organization in today's global society. It can only achieve its objectives if citizens worldwide are aware of and support its activities.

How Friends of the U.N. helps... Friends of the U.N. assists the U.N.'s public information office in a variety of ways. In the last few years, we:

  • Developed educational outreach programs for high schools and universities.
  • Distributed U.N. publications and videos to educational institutions, legislators, the media, key opinion makers and NGOs.
  • Sponsored briefings in New York, Washington, D.C. and Los Angeles for opinion-leaders, including editorial boards of news organizations, political leaders, and trade union officials.
  • Helped establish a relationship between the U.N. and the media and entertainment
  • industries to get the U.N.'s message out to a wider audience.
  • Initiated awareness programs celebrating the 40th, 45th and 50th anniversaries of the U.N.
  • Helped other NGOs, including U.N.A.-U.S.A. (United Nations Association of the United States); the YWCA; SGI (Soka Gakkai, a lay Buddhist organization); and the League of Women Voters, develop U.N. support programs.

Here's what people say about Friends of the U. N.

"It is only with the support of an informed world public that the U.N. can achieve international peace and security, social and economic justice and international cooperation. Your organization has contributed to these ends and gives important assistance to us in these endeavours."
--Therese P. Sevigny,
former Under-Secretary-General for Public Information.

My first encounter with Friends of the U.N. dates back to the mid-80s, when the United Nations' standing with the U.S. government and the public at large was at an historic low.. Friends of the U.N.'s dynamic initiatives aimed at renewing American commitment to the world organization could not have been more timely or more helpful."
--Michael Stopford,
former Director, U.N. Information Center

"U.N.E.S.C.0. greatly appreciates the contribution of Friends of the U.N. in support of our Tolerance programs. Friends of the U.N. not only supports our work, but has been instrumental in raising considerable funds to promote Tolerance projects worldwide."
--Dr. Thomas R. Forstenzer,
Executive Officer, U.N.E.S.C.O.

Officers and Board of Directors
President: Dr. Noel Brown
Executive Vice President: Irving Sarnoff

Friends of the U.N. needs your support.
For more information on our organization, or to make a contribution, please write to us:

Friends of the United Nations
1507 Stanford #5
Santa Monica, CA 90404

or contact us at: (310) 453-8489.

Click Here to order publications or make contribution.


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may not be copied in whole or in part for commercial use or distribution,
nor may these objects be modified or reposted to other sites.
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